Nely Obligacion is the Deputy Director of Advocacy and Internal Organizing for SEIU Local 1021. She has been employed with SEIU Local 1021. She coordinates with stakeholders to develop programs and strategic campaigns that engage members in building the political power of the working class. She is responsible to develop and supervise the internal field operation of the local. She also provides strategic advice, goal setting and planning assistance, guidance, and capacity building project management.

Prior to becoming the Deputy Director of Advocacy and Internal Organizing, Obligacion held various positions within SEIU 1021 as Field Representative, Field Supervisor and Education Industry Field Director.

Obligacion was a Program Administrator, Member Resource Center in 2018 to 2021 with SEIU Local 1021. She was responsible for innovating, developing and administering SEIU Local 1021’s Member Resource Center to reach thousands of union members, resource members and leaders with tools, resources, education and information to deliver on the union’s vision.

Obligacion lives in Hayward CA. She is a single mom with two daughters and three grandsons.