AHS Index

March 2023 | Women’s History Month

The AHS Index is a new way to look at data that illuminates a snapshot of our world today. It is intended to highlight health inequities and spark conversation, debate, and wonder.


Increase in the rate of U.S. women who died in childbirth (maternal mortality) in 2021, compared to pre-pandemic (2019) data: 60%

Maternal mortality rate for white women per 100,000 live births: 26.6

For Black women per 100,000: 69.9

Percent of Americans who would support laws protecting health care providers who prescribe abortion medication across state lines: 51

Percent of Americans who support committing women who have abortions to mandatory psychiatric custody: 13

Percent of transgender women who report being refused care by a provider due to their transgender or gender non-conforming status: 24

Percent of Black transgender women who are HIV positive, according to a CDC study of transgender women from seven American cities: 62

Average percent longer women with chest pain waited in emergency rooms to be evaluated for heart attacks, compared to men: 25

Average years it takes for a woman with endometriosis to be diagnosed, from her first consultation: 4.4

Year that women comprised the majority of enrolled U.S. medical students for the first time: 2019